Pittsburgh "Dreamer" postponed, but see the world premiere online this week!
Due to the continuing public health risks of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have had to make the difficult but necessary decision to postpone our production of I Am A Dreamer Who No Longer Dreams by a year to the fall of 2021. We continue our commitment to this powerful and important new work by Jorge Sosa and Cerise Jacobs, which examines the struggles of immigrants and asks important questions about what it means to be American. We feel a responsibility to present it to Pittsburgh as it was intended to be experienced: in a theater with a live audience. We look forward to the time when that will be possible.
However, this week you have the opportunity to see the world premiere performance of this opera from the comfort of home! Beginning this Wednesday, July 29, White Snake Projects will be streaming the production from last September (which was conducted by our own Maria Sensi Sellner) for two weeks on YouTube, their Facebook page, and their website.
In conjunction with the video stream, they are also launching a podcast in partnership with the Immigration Initiative at Harvard (IIH), and together will host a Zoom forum on August 6 at 5:00 pm EDT entitled "Immigration: Dreaming of a Real Future." Links to both of these will be forthcoming on the White Snake Projects website and social media.
Plans for Resonance Works' reimagined 2020-21 season are well underway, and we look forward to announcing several very exciting new projects in the coming weeks, along with new events in our Redux & Reunion series. Please stay tuned, and thank you for your continuing support of our work.